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In order to actively tackle the challenge of aging population, both the UK and China have vigorously developed multi-pillar and multi-level pension security systems. The UK, as one the first countries to establish a multi-pillar pension system, has a lot of experience in building a three-pillar pension system, pension investment and risk management, and pension ESG frameworks. China's multi-pillar pension system has entered a stage of rapid development, with the official launch of private pension system. In the past few years, the UK and China had many exchanges on pension system reform and construction. There is huge potential for further cooperation between the two sides in this field.

The Department for Business and Trade will host the UK-China Pensions Conference 2023 in Beijing (offline) on 27 March. This conference will release the latest research of Sino-British cooperation in this field. It will bring together industry experts and leaders from both China and the UK to discuss experience and trends of the pension industry, technology empowerment of pensions and pension investment management, and how to support the high-quality development of the pension systems of the two countries.


Yue Xuan, 3rd Floor, Park Hyatt Beijing
No 2 Jian Guo Men Wai Av., Chaoyang District
Beijing, China

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