作为全球重要的游戏市场之一,英国拥有成熟的产业生态和庞大的用户群体。根据英国互动娱乐协会 Ukie 统计,2023 年英国游戏消费市场规模达到了78.2亿英镑,较 2022 年总额增长了 4.4%,基于英语语境,联通欧洲跟北美地区,在英国政府持续的政策扶植和行业资源积累下,英国游戏市场是本土过去几年增长最快并最稳定的市场之一,在2017-2022年之间,英国游戏产业吸引了超过77亿英镑的海外投资。2025年英国商业贸易部将创意产业,特别是游戏产业,列为重点支持的产业之一。
The UK is a major gaming market with a mature industry ecosystem and a large user base. In 2023, the UK's game market reached £7.82 billion, a 4.4% increase from 2022. Supported by government policies, UK games sector has been one of the fastest-growing and most stable markets, attracting over £7.7 billion in foreign investment between 2017 and 2022. In 2025, the UK Department for Business and Trade will prioritize the creative industries, especially gaming, as one of the key supported sectors.
近年来随着中国游戏市场日趋成熟,越来越多的中国游戏企业也将目光投向海外,寻求新的增长点,而英国市场已成为中国游戏企业拓展海外市场的重要目标区域。2024年英国市场在中国移动游戏出海收入占比中位列前五,英国移动游戏市场流水 TOP100 产品中,中国产移动游戏发行商达到 20 家,游戏产品达到了 40 个。
In recent years, as the Chinese gaming market has matured, more Chinese gaming companies have been looking overseas for new growth opportunities. The UK market has become a key target for these companies. In 2024, the UK ranked among the top five markets for Chinese mobile game overseas revenue. Among the top 100 mobile games in the UK market, there were 20 Chinese publishers and 40 Chinese games.
在英中各行业商务交流频繁的当下,我们诚挚邀请您参与2025年4月7-10日由英国商业贸易部创意产业组牵头组织的英国游戏产业投资与商业访问考察团,参与2025年伦敦游戏节期间举办的一系列活动,包括但不限于伦敦游戏节游戏金融市场,与英国游戏公司进行1对1商务对接;拜访英国互动娱乐协会Ukie了解英国游戏产业支持政策,与协会会员单位深入交流;参加游戏节Screen Play大会 --- 探索游戏与其他视频行业,如电影电视、动漫的合作共生关系;以及与入围2025 BAFTA英国学院奖游戏奖项的公司进行深入交流。
Given the frequent UK-China business exchanges, we sincerely invite you to join the UK Game Industry Investment and Business Delegation to London Games Festival from April 7-10, 2025.
During the London Games Festival, you'll:
The business delegation will cover the following activities:
Given the planned meetings with local UK company representatives and industry officials, Chinese company representatives should be able to be fluent in English to communicate with UK stakeholders.
The following is a draft itinerary, and the final schedule may be adjusted based on actual circumstances.