英国电影和电视艺术学院游戏奖(BAFTA Games Awards)是英国游戏产业的年度颁奖典礼,旨在表彰电子游戏行业中“杰出的创意成就”。该奖项于2004年首次颁发,由英国电影和电视艺术学院(BAFTA)颁发。BAFTA游戏奖设有多个类别,包括最佳游戏、艺术成就、音频成就等,反映了游戏行业的多样性和创造力。这些奖项在行业内享有很高的声誉。 The BAFTA Games Awards are an annual event organized by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). These awards celebrate and honor outstanding creative achievements in the video game industry.
Day 2 (April 8, 2025)
09:00 - 11:00伦敦游戏节 游戏金融市场 开幕环节主旨演讲、行业分享 London Games Festival Games Finance Market Opening Keynote & Sharing
游戏金融市场是伦敦游戏节的一个重要活动,它是英国游戏产业最大的B2B活动,连接成熟的游戏企业和新创公司与投资者、发行商和平台公司。该活动持续两天,包括推介会、商务交流会和主题演讲。其目的是促进游戏开发的资金和发行支持。 The Games Finance Market is a key event at the London Games Festival. It is the UK's largest curated B2B initiative, connecting established game businesses and new startups with investors, publishers, and platforms. The event spans two days and includes pitch meetings, networking opportunities, and keynote sessions. It aims to facilitate funding and publishing support for game development
13:00 - 17:00伦敦游戏节 游戏金融市场 1对1商务对接会 London Games Festival Games Finance Market 1 to 1 Business Matchmaking Meeting
Day 3 (April 9, 2025)
09:00 - 12:30伦敦游戏节 游戏金融市场 1对1商务对接会 London Games Festival Games Finance Market 1 to 1 Business Matchmaking Meeting
14:00 - 17:00拜访英国互动娱乐协会Ukie Visit UK Interactive Entertainment
Ukie 是一家非营利性的英国游戏和互动娱乐行业的行业协会,代表着从独立游戏工作室到大型跨国公司、游戏开发商、发行商和服务提供商等英国各类型游戏企业,业务涵盖线上、移动、主机、PC、电竞和沉浸式等平台和领域。 会上Ukie将会介绍英国游戏产业支持政策(税务,法律等),以及与协会会员游戏公司代表交流分享。 UKIE is a not-for-profit trade association for the UK’s games and interactive entertainment industry. UKIE represents businesses of all scales, from small businesses to multinational developers, publishers and service companies.
19:00 - 21:00Ukie英国互动娱乐协会晚宴 Ukie Chinese Investor Dinner
英国商业贸易部与Ukie共同主持的英中游戏产业晚宴,让中国投资者与英国游戏开发商、发行商进行深入交流。 Co-hosted by DBT and Ukie, facilitates in-depth exchanges between Chinese investors and UK game developers and publishers.
Day 4 (April 10, 2025)
10:00 - 16:00Screen Play 大会
Screen Play大会是伦敦游戏节的重要会议,专注于探索游戏与其他视频行业,如电影、电视、动漫、沉浸式等的合作与共生关系。全天活动包括主旨发言,跨行业头部公司以及专家经验分享、讨论,以及社交环节。 今年大会的主要讲者包括 Story Kitchen 的 Dmitri M. Johnson 和 Mike Goldberg,他们将讨论他们在改编 SEGA 的《刺猬索尼克》和 Square Enix 的《正当防卫》方面的工作。 Screen Play- Exploring the creative collaborations and crossover between games and other screen mediums (Films, TVs, Storytelling, etc.), in the form of keynotes, discussion, experiences sharing from leading industrial players and networking. Notable speakers include Dmitri M. Johnson and Mike Goldberg from Story Kitchen, who will discuss their work on adaptations like SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog and Square Enix’s Just Cause.